Winston Farm Proposal in Saugerties Deserves Serious Consideration

The proposal to develop Winston Farm in Saugerties deserves our serious consideration and support.

 The project, proposed by life-long local residents and business owners, includes many features broadly welcomed by our community.  

These include new multi-family housing, outdoor recreational facilities including trails and public parks, the protection of open space (half the property, over 400 acres), and the addition of new infrastructure that will add a much-needed secondary water source for the village.

 Plans also include an amphitheater for concerts and events, representing an exciting ‘gateway to The Catskills’ for locals and visitors enjoyment.

And the project, situated just off exit 20 on the Thruway, will not add undue traffic to our local country roads.  

 In addition to the many features and benefits mentioned, the Winston Farm project will create many new, good-paying jobs and a substantial increase in local taxes that help fund our schools, maintain infrastructure and emergency services.  And notably, developers intend to make the project environmentally sound, with a focus on energy self-sufficiency and the protection of the local aquifer.

 The planning process is underway to determine the final development project, and we encourage residents and business owners to participate in the process.

In the meantime, let's keep an open mind to what could be a very exciting addition to our community.


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