Ulster Strong launches new campaign, introduces the Business Bulletin

(Ulster County) - Ulster Strong is pleased to announce the launch of its advertising and community engagement campaign, 'Lets Grow Together'. The initiative is part of the non-profit organization's efforts to advocate a pro-growth agenda that balances good jobs and investment opportunities with the environment and sustainability.

The campaign includes paid media, and the launch of a new web page that showcases local development projects supported by Ulster Strong, and information about the organization. The new webpage also includes a form to sign-up for the new Ulster Strong Business Bulletin, a free, periodic email newsletter covering business news and issues in Ulster County.

Ulster Strong is a partner of the Hudson Valley Economic Development Corporation, and supports:

Adding good-paying jobs

Diversifying the local economy so it’s more resilient

Encouraging new investment

Balancing the environment with local economic needs

Growing local tax base to support community services including schools, infrastructure and emergency services.


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